LASIK Experience at Ocala Eye

Are you considering LASIK as an option for clear vision without glasses or contacts? Watch our 4-part video series to discover what a typical LASIK experience at Ocala Eye is like.

Free LASIK eBook

A Patient’s Guide to Laser Vision Correction

Deciding whether to have a LASIK procedure can be challenging if you don’t really know what to expect.

In this free guide, we highlight everything you need to plan, prepare for, and maximize results from your LASIK treatment.

Get Your Copy Today

What Can I Expect from Ocala Eye LASIK?

An honest assessment in a “no-pressure” atmosphere. Come discuss your goals with us. Get a free LASIK evaluation and get all of your issues and questions answered by one of our highly-skilled clinical team members, not a sales person in a suit.

Personalized goals. The truth is 20/20 vision is actually not for everyone. This is why it is important to evaluate each and every person’s individual needs and goals. An active outdoorsy person may want the distance vision as far as possible, while a 45 year-old accountant might want a slight under-correction to help with office work. The one-size-fits-all promises of corporate laser centers makes their job easier but may not make sense for everyone.

Excellent distance vision. LASIK corrects distance vision only; near vision is age-related. As we age into our 40’s and older, the near vision normally starts to change requiring the use of reading glasses.

Consult an Ophthalmologist

Ocala Eye’s LASIK surgeons and medical staff are dedicated to helping your vision last a lifetime, which is why we offer comprehensive eye care for adults of all ages. From annual eye exams to advanced procedures like LASIK and cataract surgery, we can help you see your best at any phase of your life.

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