
At Ocala Eye, we offer surgical and non-surgical treatment for glaucoma performed by our two fellowship trained Ocala Eye glaucoma specialists, Michael Morris, M.D. F.A.C.S. and Mohammed K. ElMallah, M.D. Our dedicated staff will assist you throughout your glaucoma treatment, always striving to inform and educate you about your condition while doing our best to save or improve your vision.

Glaucoma is sometimes referred to as the “silent thief of sight” because it can cause blindness with little or no warning. Glaucoma is a group of diseases usually associated with elevated intraocular pressure leading to optic nerve damage and characteristic loss of vision. Glaucoma affects the side vision early in the disease, while the central vision is not affected to late in the disease process. It is possible to lose half of the optic nerve fibers before a change in vision is noted which is why early detection is so important.


Glaucoma is sometimes referred to as the “silent thief of sight” because it can cause blindness with little or no warning.

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Glaucoma Screenings

We encourage you to visit an Ocala Eye location today for a comprehensive eye exam. If we detect any signs of glaucoma, you will meet with a glaucoma specialist and discuss your various treatment options. The glaucoma specialists of our Ocala, Florida offices will go over all of the risks of benefits of each procedure and help determine which treatment plan is best suited for you.

A glaucoma screening consists of a complete eye exam including measurement of intraocular pressure and examination of the optic nerve. Those at high risk for glaucoma should also have a measurement of corneal thickness, visual field testing, and optic nerve imaging.

People at risk for glaucoma include:

  • Anyone over the age of 60
  • African-Americans over age 40
  • Family history of glaucoma
  • Nearsighted individuals
  • History of diabetes
  • History of high blood pressure
  • History of elevated intraocular pressure

Treatment for Glaucoma

Treatment of glaucoma usually consists of eye drops or laser surgery, but can require major eye surgery in refractory cases. Early detection is key in the successful management of glaucoma. We have at our disposal the most modern tools for glaucoma management including:

  • SLT laser treatments
  • GDx nerve fiber analysis
  • OCT retinal imaging
  • Pachymetry
  • Glaucoma implants
  • Trabeculectomy
  • Glaucoma drug trials

Consult an Ophthalmologist

Ocala Eye’s fellowship-trained ophthalmologists and medical staff are dedicated to helping your vision last a lifetime, which is why we offer comprehensive eye care for adults of all ages. From annual eye exams to advanced procedures like LASIK and cataract surgery, we can help you see your best at any phase of your life.



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